Routine appointments
We offer same day and pre bookable appointments.
To book a same day appointment you must contact the surgery by telephone from 08:30am.
Our pre-bookable appointments can be booked in advance either by telephone up to 1 week in advance or by filling out an online request form called “patient triage” you can request a routine appointment via the “contact us online” tab below. Routine appointments via our online platform will be between 1-2 weeks in advance. Please note our appointment system is day specific if you are contacting the surgery by telephone. We recommend, where possible to use our online platform to request a routine appointment.
Click the attached link for up to date GP Surgeries.
We also have a First Contact Physiotherapist, Mental Health Practitioner, Pharmacist and our Care Navigation Team can refer you to your local pharmacy for minor ailments where you will have a telephone consultation. These include the following conditions
- Tonsillitis
- UTI (16 – 64 years)
- Impetigo
- Acute sore throat
- Shingles
- Infected insect bites
- Acute sinusitis
- Acute otitis media (ear infections)
- Bacterial eye infections
- Skin conditions (Eczema and dermatitis)
Appointments with our First Contact Physio and Mental Health Practitioner can be booked via our online platform “Patient Triage”, at the front desk or by telephone. Unless your appointment need is urgent for the day we suggest you call after 11am if you can. We can also refer you to the pharmacy at any point through out the day.
Please note at peak times there maybe a waiting list for an appointment with our First Contact Physiotherapist.
Nursing Appointments
Nursing appointments can be booked up to 3 weeks in advance. Most nursing appointments are face to face, but if need long term condition reviews can be dealt with over the phone.
Appointments for blood tests can be booked online using the NHS app.
Cancelling your appointment
If you have an appointment and cannot attend or wish to cancel, you can cancel your appointment via your reminder text message, NHS App, Patient Access or please telephone us on 0117 964 2211 at your earliest convenience and use our automated service. This service will check or cancel any upcoming appointments you have.
Extended Access
We also offer Saturday morning pre-booked Nurse appointments.
Speak to staff to find out more
Home Visits
Home visits should only be requested if the patient is bed-bound or too unwell to attend surgery and would cause a health risk to yourself. All home visit requests are triaged by our GP’s and they may call you back to ascertain the nature of your situation and decide if a home visit is appropriate for your health need.
The Surgery with all its facilities is the best place to hold a consultation and we encourage patients to come to the surgery wherever possible.